Analysis and treatment of a 500kV circuit breaker breakdown fault in ultra high voltage converter station |
ZHAO Qiang, CAO Lixiong |
Maintenance Branch, State Grid Inner Mongolia East Power Co., Ltd, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia 028000 |
Abstract In view of a 500kV AC filter incoming circuit breaker breakdown accident occurred in an UHV converter station, the cause of the accident is analyzed through protection action, field equipment inspection, relevant tests and subsequent failure equipment disassembly. The treatment process of the accident is described in detail, and the feasible preventive measures are put forward to avoid the recurrence of similar accidents.
Received: 11 December 2020
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ZHAO Qiang,CAO Lixiong. Analysis and treatment of a 500kV circuit breaker breakdown fault in ultra high voltage converter station[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(8): 58-61.
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