A smart substation monitoring and diagnosis system based on SpringBoot |
LEI Bei, ZHA Xiaochun, JIANG Zongmin, ZHANG Haojun, ZHANG Mi |
Xi'an XD Switchgear Electric Co., Ltd, Xi'an 710077 |
Abstract By studying the requirements of intelligent technologies such as intelligent perception, status monitoring and digital communication of the smart substation main equipment, the technical principle, realization mode and diagnostic algorithm of perception and control of high voltage switchgear, transformer and medium voltage switchgear in smart substations are analyzed in this paper respectively. Based on the SpringBoot architecture, a smart substation monitoring and diagnosis system is developed, which is easy to deploy.
Received: 23 February 2021
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LEI Bei,ZHA Xiaochun,JIANG Zongmin等. A smart substation monitoring and diagnosis system based on SpringBoot[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(9): 56-62.
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