Simulation analysis of breaking performance of a self-blast type 252kV SF6 circuit breaker under different arcing times |
GUO Jin1, JIANG Xu2 |
1. College of Electronic Information Engineering, Shaanxi Vocational and Technical College, Xi'an 710038; 2. Xi'an XD Switchgear Electric Co., Ltd, Xi'an 710077; |
Abstract Based on the MHD theory, a simulation model for 252kV self-blast SF6 circuit breaker is established in this paper using the real gas model and the dynamic mesh method. The gas flow field at different breaking currents and different arcing times are acquired respectively. The pressurization in the expansion chamber is compared on emphasis from the angles of contours and curves. Seven analysis points at the key area are chosen for observing the variation characteristics of gas pressure, temperature, velocity and Mach number. The calculation results under 40kA, 50kAand 63kA currents show that the pressurizations are affected little by the breaking currents at the same current conditions, the increments of gas pressure are close at the expansion chamber. The distributions of gas flow field and the pressurizations are more related to the arcing times. More rising of gas pressure can be obtained with the long arcing time. Furthermore, the differences of the temperature are bigger at the larger current than that at the small current. So, more improvements should be carried out according to the long arcing time period under large current interruption for meeting the market demand.
Received: 19 August 2021
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GUO Jin,JIANG Xu. Simulation analysis of breaking performance of a self-blast type 252kV SF6 circuit breaker under different arcing times[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(1): 29-34.
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