Research on differentiated lightning protection measures for the typical distribution line in strong lightning district of Hainan |
WANG Luliang, HAN Laijun, HUANG Song |
Electric Power Research Institute of Hainan Power Grid Corporation, Haikou 570311 |
Abstract Lightning activity is very strong in Hainan, which is in the southernmost of China. Because of the low insulation level, 10kV distribution line is easily to occur lightning tripping. Therefore, in order to improve power supply stability and reliability, it is very important to improve the assessment level and rebuilding ability of lightning protection for distribution lines. This paper researches on comprehensive management of lightning protection for the transmission lines in strong lightning district of Hainan based on the technology of differentiated lightning protection. First, the process of lightning protection risk assessment based on lightning activities and line's structures is set up. Then the typical distribution line is selected and elaborate lightning protection risk assessment for each tower is carried out. According to assessment result, characteristics of lightning protection measures, arrester with gap is selected to be improvement measure. At last, based on the scope and sequence of lightning protection rebuilding, two rebuilding schemes have been formulated. And quantitativel evaluate the expected effect of each scheme.
Received: 17 December 2021
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WANG Luliang,HAN Laijun,HUANG Song. Research on differentiated lightning protection measures for the typical distribution line in strong lightning district of Hainan[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(3): 103-108.
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