Research status and development of power fittings materials for transmission lines |
DANG Le, GUO Jin'gang, CUI Yaru, CHEN Zhongyuan, WANG Dong |
Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Inner Mongolia Eastern Electric Power Co., Ltd, Hohhot 010020 |
Abstract Power fittings are important component parts in electric transmission lines. With the development of economy and the scale expansion of the long-distance transmission lines, higher demands have been put forward for the electrical, mechanical, energy-saving and economic performances of fittings. Firstly, the current research status of the conventional cast iron based and aluminum based fittings is demonstrated. Then, the research progress of some new types of energy-saving and high-strength fitting materials is reviewed. Finally, the future development trend of fitting materials is prospected. This review will provide theoretical and application basis for the materials selection and future development of electrical power fittings, and provide scientific guidance for the improvement of the economic benefit, safety and stability of transmission lines.
Received: 08 November 2021
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DANG Le,GUO Jin'gang,CUI Yaru等. Research status and development of power fittings materials for transmission lines[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(4): 1-6.
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