Research on bidirectional AC-DC converter feedforward decoupling control strategy of hybrid AC/DC microgrid |
YAO Weibo, XU Ye, HUANG Kefeng, ZHOU Meiquan, CUI Haoran |
College of Defense Engineering, PLA Army Engineering University, Nanjing 210007 |
Abstract As an important component of the AC/DC hybrid microgrid, the bidirectional AC-DC converter can realize the bidirectional flow of energy, meet the demand for electric energy from load fluctuations in the hybrid microgrid, and balance the AC/DC bus voltage. However, the control system of the bidirectional AC-DC converter is time-varying; the nonlinearity and coupling are strong; the control is complicated; it is necessary to solve the coupling problem between the control variables. This article focuses on this problem. First, the structure of the hybrid microgrid system is introduced and the mathematical model of the bidirectional AC-DC converter is establlished. Then, for the bidirectional AC-DC converter, the AC side voltage feedforward decoupling scheme is adopted. The controller is designed and the stability of the proportional integral (PI) control strategy is analyzed. Finally, a system simulation model is established based on Matlab/Simulink to verify the feasibility of the proposed control strategy. The simulation results show that the bidirectional AC-DC converter under the feedforward decoupling control strategy has fast dynamic response and good anti-load disturbance performance.
Received: 11 November 2021
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YAO Weibo,XU Ye,HUANG Kefeng等. Research on bidirectional AC-DC converter feedforward decoupling control strategy of hybrid AC/DC microgrid[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(5): 25-33.
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