Study on the human exposure safety of low-frequency magnetic field in electric vehicles |
JIANG Haoyu, ZHANG Chen, WU Tongning |
Beijing Key Engineering Laboratory of Testing and Validation for Smart Terminal and Hardware, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Beijing 100191 |
Abstract With the popularity of electric vehicles worldwide, human exposure to the low- frequency magnetic field in electric vehicles has raised public concerns on health. This article summarizes the research on low-frequency magnetic field of electric vehicles from 1995 to 2021, and analyzes the characteristics of changes in the internal magnetic field of electric vehicles in terms of operating conditions, frequency spectrum, spatial distribution of the field, change of the components and the changes of the field values over time. Research on exposure to magnetic fields caused by new technologies such as wireless power transmission is included as well. In addition, for determining the induced electric field (basic limits) of the human body when being exposed to the low-frequency magnetic field, the commonly used electromagnetic numerical methods are presented. The simulation results are summarized as well. On this basis, in response to the hot topics reflected in the literature survey, some urgent key future studies are suggested.
Received: 29 November 2021
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JIANG Haoyu,ZHANG Chen,WU Tongning. Study on the human exposure safety of low-frequency magnetic field in electric vehicles[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(7): 1-6.
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