Research on recording homology comparison of relay protection devices with dual configuration based on protection information management master station |
CUI Yaqin, XIONG Hui, QI Zhong, ZHOU Mingquan, CHEN Xiaolin |
NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract In view of the abnormal problems of analog circuits which are not easy to distinguish, such as open circuit of current transformer neutral line, broken phase line, loose terminal and so on, in the relay protection device in the power system under normal operation conditions, this paper proposes to carry out homologous comparison on the recording of dual configuration protection devices at the same bay based on the master station of relay protection information management system, so as to verify the accuracy and reliability of sampling circuit of protection device. The master station of the relay protection information management system automatically collects wave recording reports from the substation, captures the wave recording files of the dual configuration protection devices in real time for comparison and analysis, sets the two-level threshold setting of mild anomaly and serious anomaly, and displays the alarm through the Web interface of the master station when the waveform comparison characteristic value meets the preset anomaly criterion. The Web interface supports customized offline comparison to facilitate problem tracing and troubleshooting. The example analy-sis verifies the effectiveness of the homology comparison strategy and reflects its engineering appli-cation value.
Received: 02 April 2022
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CUI Yaqin,XIONG Hui,QI Zhong等. Research on recording homology comparison of relay protection devices with dual configuration based on protection information management master station[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(7): 74-80.
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