Analysis of the influence of 500kV line circuit breaker tripping delay return on protection function and its countermeasures |
YANG Yuanhang1, KONG Dezhi1, LI Kaiyun2, XIE Liang1, SHI Hengchu1 |
1. Yunnan Power Grid Planning and Studying Center, Kunming 650011; 2. Yunnan Power Grid Corporation Lincang Power Supply Bureau, Lincang, Yunnan 677000 |
Abstract Some 500kV line circuit breakers have the phenomenon of delayed return from tripping, and there are problems in coordination with the relay protection function. This paper analyzes the influence of the delayed return of the 500kV circuit breaker tripping position on the relay protection function, and points out that the hysteresis of the tripping position return may lead to the failure of reclosing in the single-phase fault of the line and the failure of the circuit breaker dead zone protection function. From the perspective of planning and design and the improvement of the secondary circuit, solutions such as optimizing equipment selection, changing the auxiliary contacts of the circuit breaker and optimizing the closing monitoring circuit are proposed.
Received: 16 February 2022
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YANG Yuanhang,KONG Dezhi,LI Kaiyun等. Analysis of the influence of 500kV line circuit breaker tripping delay return on protection function and its countermeasures[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(7): 97-100.
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