Design and implementation of low voltage intelligent circuit breaker based on dual-core modularization |
MA Xiaokun, XUE Li, ZHANG Chuanyuan, GAO Zhenwei, SHI Wenhui |
Beijing Guodiantong Network Technology Co., Ltd, Beijing 100086 |
Abstract In order to ensure the circuit breaker protection function is stable and reliable, the protection and management are modularized into two independent parts, and a dual-core low voltage intelligent circuit breaker scheme of “protection core and management core” is designed in this paper. The architecture of protection core, management core, power supply and signal sampling module, the architecture of protection software and management software are introduced. The measurement accuracy is tested by experiment. The protection transformer and the measurement transformer are independent of each other, and the protection core can realize its own independent power supply through the self-produced power supply. This ensures that the protection core can work independently from the management core. The design can isolate the protection part and the management part of the circuit breaker, and improve the stability and reliability of circuit breaker protection function.
Received: 30 March 2022
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MA Xiaokun,XUE Li,ZHANG Chuanyuan等. Design and implementation of low voltage intelligent circuit breaker based on dual-core modularization[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(9): 69-75.
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