Impact of secondary AC circuit anomaly on line protection and optimum measures |
ZHAO Zhihong, WU Yekai, ZHANG Yuepin, DU Zhaoqiang, XIONG Jun |
Beijing Sifang Automation Co., Ltd, Beijing 100085 |
Abstract The difficulties in identifying secondary AC circuit anomalies with conventional sampling line protection are summarized, including CT break with very low load, phase sequence error of current, IN break, UN multi-point grounding, IN multi-point grounding, PT break after protection start-up and spike current in non-fault phase when line single-phase grounding fault occurs, etc. The adverse effects on protection are analyzed in combination with actual faults. In case the anomaly of secondary AC circuit can not be identified in time, measures such as optimizing protection logic are needed to reduce the probability of abnormal occurrence and its impact on protection. In the case that spike current in non-fault phase may lead to incorrect operation of phase-split current differential protection, an optimum measure for phase-split current differential protection locked by fault current on both sides is put forward, which has been applied in the field and achieved good results.
Received: 12 April 2022
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ZHAO Zhihong,WU Yekai,ZHANG Yuepin等. Impact of secondary AC circuit anomaly on line protection and optimum measures[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(9): 86-92.
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