Optimization configuration of energy storage based on the improved particle swarm optimization |
WEN Chunxue, ZHAO Tianci, YU Geng, WANG Peng, LI Jianlin |
Frequency Conversion Technology Engineering Research Center, North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144 |
Abstract Energy storage transfers power in the time dimension, which can suppress voltage fluctuations and reduce network loss. In order to reasonably configure energy storage, an energy storage optimization model is established, which is based on voltage volatility, network loss and configuration cost. The particle swarm optimization is improved by increasing the number of initial particles and selecting the scattered non-dominant particles as the initial particles to improve the randomness of the initial particles. In the speed update stage, the node voltage is used to guide the particle evolution direction and improve the calculation speed of the algorithm. Simulation results of using IEEE-33 node examples show that the improvement of the algorithm improves the stability, computational speed and accuracy. The improved energy storage configuration scheme reduces the node voltage fluctuation of the system and reduces the power loss.
Received: 12 May 2022
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WEN Chunxue,ZHAO Tianci,YU Geng等. Optimization configuration of energy storage based on the improved particle swarm optimization[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(10): 1-9.
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