County-wide distributed photovoltaic energy storage configuration method to improve the carrying capacity and regulation capacity of distribution network |
ZHANG Guangru1, REN Haodong1, MA Zhenqi1, WANG Xuebin2, CHEN Jie1 |
1. State Grid Gansu Electric Power Research Institution, Lanzhou 730070; 2. State Grid Lanzhou Electric Power Company, Lanzhou 730030 |
Abstract To solve the increasing gird investment, difficulties in peak load regulation and gird voltage regulation caused by distributed photovoltaic (DPV) construction in county, an energy storage allocation strategy that comprehensively considers the consumption and grid regulation capacity is proposed based on the planned distributed photovoltaic installed capacity and the load matching degree. The proposed method solves the problem of overload capacity of distribution gird. On the other hand, it relieves the pressure of peak load regulation and suppresses the overvoltage caused by power flow reversal. Finally, the validity of the method is verified through a case, which provides reference for the DPV planning of the county and the adjustment capacity building of the active distribution gird.
Received: 17 February 2022
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ZHANG Guangru,REN Haodong,MA Zhenqi等. County-wide distributed photovoltaic energy storage configuration method to improve the carrying capacity and regulation capacity of distribution network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(11): 49-55.
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