Research on influence factors of temperature rise of miniaturized low-voltage switchgear based on fishbone diagram and analytic hierarchy process |
MA Xiaojuan, ZHANG Mingming, LIANG Zhongsheng, ZHENG Zhiguang |
Cooper (Ningbo) Electric Co., Ltd, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315336 |
Abstract The temperature rise of the low-voltage switchgear in practical operation directly affects the safety performance and service life cycle of the switchgear. For compact and miniaturized low-voltage switchgear, the performance of temperature rise is even more prominent. In this paper, taking Edison LSN miniaturized incoming cabinet as the research object, the various factors affecting the temperature rise of low-voltage switchgear are analyzed by fishbone diagram, and then the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to calculate the index weight of each influencing factor to determine the key reasons affecting the temperature rise value of low-voltage switchgear, and further effective measures are taken to make the temperature rise of low-voltage switchgear not only meet the temperature rise limit stipulated by national standards, but also leave a margin.
Received: 27 October 2022
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MA Xiaojuan,ZHANG Mingming,LIANG Zhongsheng等. Research on influence factors of temperature rise of miniaturized low-voltage switchgear based on fishbone diagram and analytic hierarchy process[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(1): 36-43.
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