Research on the application of causality test method of instrumental variables in engineering education |
YANG Yifan1, DUAN Bin1, KUANG Yi1, ZHAO Bin2 |
1. College of Automation and Electronic Information, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, Hu'nan 411105; 2. College of Chemistry, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, Hu'nan 411105 |
Abstract With the continuous change of measurement research methods, causal inference method has made great progress in social science research. The complementation and integration of causal inference method and education evaluation scheme has become an urgent problem for researchers in the field of engineering education. This paper focuses on causal inference, and applies it to engineering education to provide reference for teachers' teaching schemes. Based on instrumental variable method, a causal inference model for the evaluation of non-technical graduation requirements supported by professional courses is constructed. With the help of Stata software, the causal effect of bilingual teaching of polymer materials supporting the communication ability of graduation requirements for professional courses is analyzed and studied. The research results show that the method can guide and control the course teaching plan, and provide scientific and normative data support for increasing the output of engineering education, thus enabling engineering education and assisting the intellectualization of education governance.
Received: 30 June 2022
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YANG Yifan,DUAN Bin,KUANG Yi等. Research on the application of causality test method of instrumental variables in engineering education[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(1): 70-75.
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