Mid- and long-term risk assessment of power equipment accounting for multi-dimensional hazard factors |
MA Jianghong, MA Longtao, FAN Yue |
Northwest China Grid Co., Ltd, Xi'an 710048 |
Abstract Power grid equipment and management mode are evolving fast to adapt for the ever-increasing portfolios of renewable energy in power generation. Power grid risk management is facing continuous challenge of new stochastic factors. This paper proposes a mid- and long-term failure rate model of power transmission equipment accounting for multi-dimensional hazard factors. Firstly, the proposed method employs the brain storming to summarize empirical equipment-related hazards factors which are provided by professional equipment management departments. Such a process can be regarded as the hazard factor identification. The summarized hazards factors are classified into various categories with distinct dimension sense. For each category or dimension, an independent failure frequency indicator is defined, which is then weighted to result in the so-called multi-dimensional failure rate (EFR). Case study on risk assessment of the Northwest 750kV tank circuit breakers is conducted to demonstrate a practical application of the proposed method.
Received: 28 November 2022
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MA Jianghong,MA Longtao,FAN Yue. Mid- and long-term risk assessment of power equipment accounting for multi-dimensional hazard factors[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(2): 32-40.
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