Quantitative analysis of static electric field simulation about partial discharge |
DU Li1,2, LU Jun1,3, PAN Ming1,2, HANG Yahui1,3, JIANG Fuxiu1,2 |
1. NARI Group Corporation (State Grid Electronic Power Research Institute), Nanjing 211000; 2. Shanghai Zhixin Electric Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200335; 3. Jiangsu NARI Power Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211000 |
Abstract In the aspect of guiding the insulation design of electrical products, the application of electric field simulation analysis is increasingly widespread. Taking the partial discharge test tooling as the research object, the quantitative relationship between the static electric field simulation data and the partial discharge inception voltage is studied, the method of predicting the partial discharge inception voltage using the static electric field simulation data is proposed, and the feasibility of this method is verified by experiments. The research shows that the maximum electric field strength and the electric field non-uniformity coefficient in the simulation data are closely related to the partial discharge inception voltage. The partial discharge inception voltage under a certain working condition is predicted, and the results show that the prediction method is applicable to the structure which has a slightly uneven electrical field. The error between the partial discharge inception voltage measured in the test and the predicted voltage is not more than 10%.
Received: 30 January 2023
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DU Li,LU Jun,PAN Ming等. Quantitative analysis of static electric field simulation about partial discharge[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(5): 41-45.
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