Hotspots analysis of research and development trend of microgrid game dispatching based on information visualization |
LIU Jiwen, HOU Qiang |
School of Management, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870 |
Abstract Based on the core journals, CSSCI and CSCD core collection literature data included in the CNKI database, the author, organization, journal and key words of the collected relevant literature are analyzed with the help of the literature metrological analysis software COOC10.07 to describe the distribution of research forces in the field of microgrid game dispatching. Combined with the frequency analysis and co-occurrence cluster analysis functions of COOC10.07 software and VOSviewer software, the multi-dimensional relationship is constructed with key words as the research point, and the visual map is drawn. From a quantitative perspective, the technical hotspots, frontier concerns and future development trends in the field of microgrid game dispatching are obtained. The results of bibliometric analysis show that the frontier hotspots and forecasting concerns in the field of microgrid game dispatching mainly focus on the combination of microgrid game dispatching with prosumers, power market and energy management or energy storage.
Received: 08 April 2023
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LIU Jiwen,HOU Qiang. Hotspots analysis of research and development trend of microgrid game dispatching based on information visualization[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(6): 13-20.
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