Multi-machine stability analysis of doubly-fed wind turbine based on return-ratio matrix |
FA Ladier1,2, YANG Jing1,2, HUA Bin1,2, XU Feng3, ZHANG Tingting1,2 |
1. Zhejiang Windey Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 311106; 2. Key Laboratory of Wind Power Technology of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 311106; 3. State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute, Hangzhou 310014 |
Abstract The continuous growth of wind power installed capacity has brought new challenges to the security and stability of power system. In order to analyze the oscillation problem caused by wind power access to transmission lines with series compensation, a single machine impedance model including generator, phase-locked loop and machine/network side control is established. The wind farm equivalent impedance model is reconstructed and the transfer function is extracted through the single machine, the collector line and the transmission line of the wind farm. Then, the multi-machine stability is analyzed and judged based on the eigenvalue of the return-ratio matrix and the generalized Nyquist stability criterion. Finally, taking three-machine system as an example, the accuracy of impedance modeling and the effectiveness of stability analysis are verified by frequency domain analysis and time domain simulation.
Received: 31 March 2023
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FA Ladier,YANG Jing,HUA Bin等. Multi-machine stability analysis of doubly-fed wind turbine based on return-ratio matrix[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(6): 26-36.
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