Research on optimization of voltage equalization system for 252kV high speed circuit breakers |
WANG Zhiyong, HAN Yuhui, CHEN Xin |
NR Electric Power Electronics Co., Ltd, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213025 |
Abstract In the structural design of high voltage equipment, the electric field distribution is an important factor that cannot be ignored. Therefore, the electric field distribution should be analyzed and verified in the research and development stage of fault current breaker. In this paper, the 252kV fault current breaker structure is used as the prototype to establish a three-dimensional simplified model for electric field simulation. The influence of the structure, size and installation distance of the voltage equalizing device on the electric field distribution is simulated and analyzed. Through comparative research, the structure, installation position and size of the voltage equalizing device are optimized and configured. Finally, a tubular type voltage equalizing device with a pipe diameter of 40mm and an installation distance of 20mm is selected. This plan can control the overall maximum electric field intensity below 2.3kV/mm, and the analysis results can provide reference for product optimization.
Received: 07 August 2023
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WANG Zhiyong,HAN Yuhui,CHEN Xin. Research on optimization of voltage equalization system for 252kV high speed circuit breakers[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(9): 55-59.
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