Intelligent early warning method of online monitoring system based on cosine similarity |
ZHANG Junjun |
Guodian Nanjing Automation Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211106 |
Abstract When there is equipment alarms in the online monitoring system of power plants, there is equipment failure. An intelligent early warning method of power equipment based on cosine similarity is proposed to address this problem. Based on the equipment monitoring data provided by the remote diagnosis platform of the power plant, the cosine similarity is used to calculate the correlation between the equipment measurement point data according to the equipment characteristic parameters, and the state matrix is obtained. Then the early warning model for the specific equipment measurement point data is constructed to realize the early warning of the equipment. The engineering application case shows that the method proposed to this paper can carry out equipment early warning in advance, reduce the occurrence of power plant equipment fault, and improve the work efficiency of patrol inspectors.
Received: 07 July 2023
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ZHANG Junjun. Intelligent early warning method of online monitoring system based on cosine similarity[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(9): 65-70.
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