Development and application of the integrated test system for motor in nuclear power plants |
CHANG Senwei, JIAO Jiahuan |
State Nuclear Power Demonstration Plant Co., Ltd, Weihai, Shandong 264312 |
Abstract This paper introduces the main structure of the integrated test system for motor in nuclear power plants, and discusses the system design and its practical application. Through special circuit design and test control software, the system can automatically complete all test items according to logic with one connection. The motor data management system and the motor health assessment system provide strong support for the management of electrical equipment in nuclear power plants. The application of this system can improve the efficiency and quality of motor testing in nuclear power plants, and reduce the cost of motor maintenance in nuclear power plants.
Received: 07 August 2023
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CHANG Senwei,JIAO Jiahuan. Development and application of the integrated test system for motor in nuclear power plants[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(9): 80-84.
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