An implementation method of patrol calculation for the substation main and auxiliary equipment |
WANG Weijie, LI Yingqi, JI Ling, TAN Tingfang |
Nanjing SAC Software Engineering Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211100 |
Abstract Aiming at the complex problem of multi-dimensional state calculation of substation main and auxiliary equipment, a multi-dimensional calculation model is constructed based on the comprehensⅣe consideration of multiple dimensions such as equipment body, equipment type, power grid membership, region, time and calculation type. Facing the dⅣersity of engineering applications, a general equipment status calculation framework based on plug-in is designed to meet the needs of engineering incremental calculation and upgrade deployment through dynamic expansion and loading mechanism. The process fault-tolerant mechanism is further improved, and the parallel distribution mechanism is adopted to realize the load balancing and flexible deployment of business plug-ins. Finally, based on the semantic publish and subscribe mechanism, it can meet the data interaction requirements of various applications. The actual engineering application shows that it can meet most of the requirements of equipment computing in the project and effectⅣely improve the equipment operation monitoring efficiency of maintenance personnel.
Received: 19 September 2023
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WANG Weijie,LI Yingqi,JI Ling等. An implementation method of patrol calculation for the substation main and auxiliary equipment[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(1): 67-71.
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