Diagnosis of stator winding inter-turn short-circuit fault for asynchronous motors based on criterion fusion |
ZHANG Junhua |
Wanhua Chemical (Fujian) Co., Ltd, Fuqing, Fujian 350300 |
Abstract To solve the interference problem of other common abnormal operating conditions in the diagnosis of the stator winding inter-turn short-circuit fault, a stator winding inter-turn short-circuit fault diagnosis scheme based on criterion fusion for asynchronous motors is proposed. First, considering the causal relationship between fault features, fusion criteria with current features as the main feature and voltage features as the auxiliary feature are proposed. Next, these fusion criteria are used to diagnose the stator winding inter-turn short-circuit fault and fault phase. Last, the effectiveness of the scheme is verified through simulation experiments.
Received: 26 October 2023
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ZHANG Junhua. Diagnosis of stator winding inter-turn short-circuit fault for asynchronous motors based on criterion fusion[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(3): 38-45.
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