A kind of DC power system insulation diagnostic device and its detection method |
CHENG Zhengnian, TANG Haisong, MA Kun, YAN Long, FAN Liangpeng |
Anhui Xinli Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd, Hefei 230088 |
Abstract DC insulation decline of the equipment in substation or power plant is a common fault. The insulation line selection and investigation of DC power supply system is a difficult point that puzzles operation and maintenance personnel. This paper introduces a DC insulation diagnostic device and its detection method. The device is mainly composed of body, special wiring harness and indicator, and it is small in size and convenient to carry. The balance bridge principle is used to judge the decline of DC insulation, and then Hall principle is used to detect the direction of leakage current, so as to find and locate the fault point, which is convenient to operate and safe. The practical application shows that the DC insulation diagnostic device has high accuracy in line selection, and it can perform insulation inspection and diagnosis without power outage, which is time-saving and labor-saving.
Received: 19 September 2023
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CHENG Zhengnian,TANG Haisong,MA Kun等. A kind of DC power system insulation diagnostic device and its detection method[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(3): 58-62.
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