Online ice melting technology for ultra high voltage direct current system and its engineering application |
FU Guangxu, LU Dongbin, ZHANG Jing, XUE Haiping, ZOU Feng |
NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract The Yahu DC line spans several areas prone to icing disasters, which can easily lead to line icing and affect the stability of DC transmission. In order to solve these issues, the ultra-high voltage direct current ice melting function has been studied and designed. Firstly, a systematic analysis is conducted on the configuration of the isolation switch for the main wiring of the ice melting system, to avoid manual wiring operations by operation and maintenance personnel. Secondly, the sequence control and interlocking logic of the ice melting isolation switch is designed to ensure the safety and fast operation mode switching for the operation and maintenance personnel. Once again, the basic control strategy of ice melting and online ice melting technology are introduced to ensure uninterrupted power transmission when transitioning from conventional operation to ice melting operation. Finally, the special functions for ice melting configuration are produced to reduce the impact of abnormal ice melting operation on the system. The effectiveness of online ice melting technology are verified through real-time digital simulation experiments, and it successfully passes on-site deblocking, power lifting, and blocking tests one time. The research and design of ice melting function can improve the transmission reliability of Yahu DC line in ice and snow disaster weather.
Received: 24 December 2023
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FU Guangxu,LU Dongbin,ZHANG Jing等. Online ice melting technology for ultra high voltage direct current system and its engineering application[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(4): 77-84.
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