Optimal pricing strategy of electrical transportation network under low-carbon target |
LIU Aoyang, LIU Jianchen |
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Huludao, Liaoning 125105 |
Abstract As an effective way to reduce fossil fuel consumption and alleviate environmental crisis, the electric vehicles (EV) alternating gasoline vehicles (GV) has been paid more and more attention, which promotes the development and popularization of EVs. At the same time, the operation of urban transportation network (UTN) and power distribution network (PDN) are closely coupled. This paper aims to solve the problem of optimal charging pricing for electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS) from the point of view of maximizing the self-interest of charging network operators (CNO). The interaction between UTN and PDN is considered, and the privacy information among different departments is protected. Taking into account the carbon emissions of GVs and EVs comprehensively, the charging behavior of EVs is regulated by charging prices, so that the charging load can be transferred between different PDN to promote the optimal economic & low-carbon operation of electrical transportation network. Numerical examples verify the validity of the proposed model and method, and the effect of CNO optimal pricing on electrical transportation network.
Received: 15 January 2024
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LIU Aoyang,LIU Jianchen. Optimal pricing strategy of electrical transportation network under low-carbon target[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(5): 41-50.
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