Design of switchgear fire extinguishing device and its control system |
ZHANG Junkang1, WU Hanbin2, WANG Huihuang1, XU Zhikun1, DAI Yichen1 |
1. Quanzhou Power Supply Bureau, Fujian Power Grid Co., Ltd, Quanzhou, Fujian 362000; 2. Chang'an University, Xi'an 710016 |
Abstract High-voltage switchgear is widely used in substations, power plants, and distribution station buildings. It has the characteristics of small size, strong sealing and load bearing capacity, and reliable operation. It is the major equipment of the 10kV transformation and distribution system, and its safety and reliability directly affect the power supply of users. Due to factors such as heavy overload, lightning strikes, or short circuits in the distribution network, cables may overheat, age, and insulation may be damaged, leading to the combustion of flammable materials and causing fires. This paper proposes a fire extinguishing device and its control system to assist in extinguishing fires and reduce losses caused by switch cabinet fires, based on the structural characteristics of the switch cabinet.
Received: 02 January 2024
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ZHANG Junkang,WU Hanbin,WANG Huihuang等. Design of switchgear fire extinguishing device and its control system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(7): 45-49.
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