Reliability study of SiC MOSFET based on electro-thermo-structural coupling analysis |
HUANG Tianqi, LIU Yongqian |
School of New Energy, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206 |
Abstract As a power device with promising applications, the reliability analysis of SiC metal- oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) is crucial. Modeling methods based on structural geometry, material properties, and boundary conditions can significantly shorten the failure analysis cycle. A coupled electrico-thermo-structural finite element model is constructed, considering the temperature-dependent characteristics of the device resistance. Temperature and stress studies are conducted for both healthy state and different failure modes. The results show that during power cycling the highest thermal stress occurs at the connection between the bond wire and the chip, followed by the edge of the contact surface between the solder layer and the chip. Bond wire failure has the largest impact on the device life, and the stresses generated by the void in the centre of the solder layer are larger than those generated by the void at the edge. The simulation results provide valuable insights for improving device reliability.
Received: 21 March 2024
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HUANG Tianqi,LIU Yongqian. Reliability study of SiC MOSFET based on electro-thermo-structural coupling analysis[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(8): 27-34.
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