Structured query language based electric energy metering wiring verification calculation system and its application |
JING Xingdong, HUANG Yong, XIAO Yang, ZHAO Wenrui, WANG Panpan |
State Grid Sichuan Provincial Electric Power Company Tianfu New Area Power Supply Company, Chengdu 610213 |
Abstract In marketing audit work, it is common to encounter situations where incorrect wiring of electricity metering devices results in incorrect billing of electricity usage and charges for users. The current traditional audit methods often lead to a large amount of manual verification and on-site inspection time for anomaly lists, and the efficiency of work is difficult to effectively improve. This article proposes a metering wiring verification calculation system based on user databases and structured query language (SQL), focusing on the judgment of wiring errors. By constructing calculation models based on correction coefficient methods and maximum phase angle difference of each phase, it achieves automatic verification of wiring errors and calculation of error electricity consumption. This effectively reduces the workload of audit personnel, improves the efficiency of wiring error investigation, and achieves process automation, intelligence, and specialization in handling abnormal users. At the same time, it provides necessary data support for on-site inspections and evidence collection in “anti-theft and anti-violation” activities.
Received: 15 April 2024
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JING Xingdong,HUANG Yong,XIAO Yang等. Structured query language based electric energy metering wiring verification calculation system and its application[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(8): 65-70.
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