Development of transmission line tower foot nail anti-falling device |
CUI Hao1, CHEN Yugan1, SONG Kaige1, DU Quanlong1, WU Shanchuan2 |
1. State Grid Shandong Electric Extrahigh Voltage Company, Ji’nan 250021; 2. Shandong Grid Source Power Engineering Co., Ltd, Ji’nan 250021 |
Abstract Anti-falling device is an important measure to ensure the personal safety of tower climbing operators in the field of power transmission. The development of safer and more reliable anti-falling devices is essential to avoid personal injury and death. This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the existing anti-falling measures, and puts forward a special transmission line tower foot nail anti-falling device in view of the existing problems of anti-falling measures. The anti-falling device consists of suspension parts and connecting parts, with the foot nail as the suspension point, alternately picking two suspension parts on the tower foot nail, to provide safety protection for personnel working at heights.
Received: 15 July 2024
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CUI Hao,CHEN Yugan,SONG Kaige等. Development of transmission line tower foot nail anti-falling device[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(9): 76-79.
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