A method of energized DC ice-melting for overhead ground wire of transmission line |
GAO Kai, LUO Richeng, LIU Juan, CHEN Ziqi, WANG Yutong |
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha 410114 |
Abstract In order to solve the problem that the overhead ground wire ice-melting needs power outage operation, this paper takes two parallel optical fiber composite overhead ground wires (OPGW) and Al-cladding steel strands as the research objects, and proposes a new method of energized DC ice-melting for overhead ground wires. Firstly, the composition principle of the ice-melting circuit in this method is studied in depth. Then, the simulation model of the ice-melting circuit is established by using ATP-EMTP software, and the ice-melting current and the capacity of the ice-melting power supply are calculated. Finally, the ice-melting process of OPGW and Al-cladding steel strand and the temperature distribution of OPGW after de-icing are simulated and analyzed by COMSOL software. The research show that when the ice-melting power supply is installed in the middle of the ice-melting section, two parallel ground wires can deice at the same time; the influence of DC current in the ice-melting section on the non-ice-melting section is very small and can be ignored.
Received: 22 May 2024
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GAO Kai,LUO Richeng,LIU Juan等. A method of energized DC ice-melting for overhead ground wire of transmission line[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(11): 42-47.
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