Research on events analysis of monitoring system in converter station based on fusion models |
WU Shiwei, LIU Wenbiao, JI Ling, TAN Tingfang, ZHANG Haining |
Guodian Nanjing Automation Limited Company, Nanjing 211153 |
Abstract In the background of the rapid development of information network technology, the automation technology of converter stations is meeting great developing opportunities. The issue of network security is increasingly obvious, and meanwhile the massive amount of information in the automation system of converter stations has led to a significant information cocoon effect. Firstly, the article elaborates on the hardware structure and software functional composition of the monitoring system in converter station for offshore wind power flexible DC transmission. Secondly, monitoring application research based on fusion models is carried. And a monitoring solution for redundant devices is designed, and the event alarm auxiliary analysis and optimization technology is developed based on knowledge model. Finally, a converter station monitoring system is developed, and a usage case is provided to verify its efficacy. The verification results indicate that the system can reduce repetitive labor and improve personnel work efficiency.
Received: 25 March 2024
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WU Shiwei,LIU Wenbiao,JI Ling等. Research on events analysis of monitoring system in converter station based on fusion models[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(11): 58-62.
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