A study of three-dimensional vector pulse width modulation technique based on three-phase four-leg inverter with conducted common mode voltage elimination |
GU Yubin, HUANG Jian, CHENG Long, WANG Chen |
School of Electrical Engineering, Anhui Polytechnic University, Wuhu, Anhui 241000 |
Abstract In order to reduces the reliance on large common mode chokes for 3-phase 4-wire inverter power systems, three-phase four-leg inverter is taken as the research object. A 3-dimensional- zero common mode voltage vector pulse width modulation (3D-ZCPWM) is proposed by combining 3-dimensional-space vector pulse width modulation (3D-SVPWM) with conducted common mode voltage elimination method (CMVEM), which eliminates the conducted common mode voltage while guaranteeing the freedom degree of zero-sequence component control. The lack of freedom degree of the zero-sequence component control in the existing CMVEM is supplemented. The simulation and experiment results show that the strategy proposed in this paper has a strong ability to eliminate the common mode voltage and the three-phase four-leg inverter based on this strategy has the ability to withstand unbalanced loads and maintain stable output voltage.
Received: 21 June 2024
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GU Yubin,HUANG Jian,CHENG Long等. A study of three-dimensional vector pulse width modulation technique based on three-phase four-leg inverter with conducted common mode voltage elimination[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(12): 1-11.
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