Multi energy flow optimization scheduling for tobacco smart park |
LI Xuesong, LUO Qi |
Wuhan Tobacco Monopoly Bureau (Company), Wuhan 430040 |
Abstract This article focuses on the mismatch between photovoltaic output and load demand timing in the tobacco new energy smart park, as well as the safety risks brought by the establishment of energy storage stations on the park side. The elastic load resources of the tobacco smart park are fully mobilized, and an electrical-hydraulic-thermal three-layer multi energy flow joint scheduling mechanism is proposed to maximize the consumption of the new energy. Models of the power side, hydraulic side, and thermal side in the tobacco smart park are established. To minimize the daily electricity purchase cost of the park, an approximate linearized main sub problem interactive iterative algorithm is introduced, which takes into account the dual requirements of the optimization model for solving speed and accuracy. This article provides a new perspective for the construction and rational utilization of new energy in tobacco smart parks.
Received: 02 August 2024
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