Research on the full process control system of grounding wire with cross regional collaboration |
YANG Yingchun, WANG Shaopeng, ZHANG Hang, WANG Kunpeng, LI Chenyang |
Xuchang Xuji Software Technology Co., Ltd, Xuchang, He’nan 461000 |
Abstract The grounding wire is an important equipment for ensuring the personal safety of power operators. Traditional grounding wire lacks informationization and intelligent management methods. There is no closed-loop management method for the extraction and return of grounding wire, which can easily lead to misconnection, no connection, and without returning, bringing huge risks to the safe and stable operation of the power grid. This article focuses on the Internet of Things (IoT) and intelligent transformation of grounding wire, grounding wire cabinet, and grounding pile. The design covers the full-process control system architecture covering the “cloud-network-edge-end”, and the full-process control system of grounding wire and intelligent monitoring device are developed. Through the method of edge IoT proxy cross regional collaboration, the consistency of the real-time status of grounding wire, grounding wire cabinet and grounding pile and business data between the security Ⅳ region and the Internet region is achieved. Based on cross regional collaboration of data, cross regional data collection and panoramic monitoring of grounding wire are achieved to ensure accurate grounding connection, improving the safety and work efficiency of on-site operators, and providing guarantees for the safe and stable operation of the power grid.
Received: 12 August 2024
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YANG Yingchun,WANG Shaopeng,ZHANG Hang等. Research on the full process control system of grounding wire with cross regional collaboration[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2025, 26(1): 69-74.
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