Low-carbon optimized operation strategy of integrated energy system taking into account the participation of electric vehicles in an electric hydrogen production park |
GAO Yun, XIE Chao, ZHANG Gaohang, CAO Meng, SUN Lixiang |
School of Electrical Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046 |
Abstract Large-scale electric vehicles are connected to the park integrated energy system (PIES), in order to improve the energy utilization rate, reduce the pressure on the park’s power grid, and realize low-carbon operation, this paper proposes a two-tier low-carbon optimized operation strategy that combines electric vehicles and efficient hydrogen use. Firstly, the disordered charging of the electric vehicles is simulated based on the spatio-temporal feature correlation, on the basis of which real-time tariffs are utilized to guide the electric vehicles for orderly charging. Combining the improved power-to-gas (P2G) two-phase technology, the park participates in the carbon trading market. The laddering carbon trading mechanism is introduced to minimize the system’s cost of purchasing energy, the cost of carbon trading, and the cost of abandoning the wind as a target function. The improved whale optimization algorithm (IWOA) is adopted for solving the problem. Finally, the scenarios are compared to verify the economy and environmental benefits of the two-tier optimal scheduling strategy proposed in this paper.
Received: 17 August 2024
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GAO Yun,XIE Chao,ZHANG Gaohang等. Low-carbon optimized operation strategy of integrated energy system taking into account the participation of electric vehicles in an electric hydrogen production park[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2025, 26(2): 14-25.
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