Research about the Method that Testing Breaker Loop Resistance Based on High Impulse Current |
Xia Xiaofei |
Electric Power Research Institute of Guangxi Power Grid Corp, Nanning 530023 |
Abstract The loop resistance is the breaker’s very important electrical parameter. This paper presents a testing loop resistance method based on high impulse current that peak value is higher than 1000A. This method which can accurately measure the breaker’s loop resistance, has been verified by experiments and simulation. With laboratory experiments, the method of producing high impulse current based on super capacitor is researched, and the measurement accuracy of testing some microhm resistance is verified. With simulation by EMTP-ATP, the high impulse current waveform and the effect of grading capacitance and lead inductance are analyzed.
Published: 10 October 2013
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Xia Xiaofei. Research about the Method that Testing Breaker Loop Resistance Based on High Impulse Current[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(10): 28-33.
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