Analysis and Revelation from Trip of a 110kV Incoming Protection |
Lu Xiaotong, Hua Xiang, Cheng Shanwu |
Baosteel Engineering & Technology Group Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201999 |
Abstract This paper carefully analyzes the cause of protected trip through a obstacle of a 110kV incoming system, according to accident processing and action on the protection, and found wrong secondary wiring of B bus GPT are the cause of the accident. When three - phase and four - wire system has asymmetrical load, the concept and formula about the deviation of voltage at neutral point are given, the revelation from the accident are put forward.
Received: 26 June 2014
Published: 23 January 2014
[1] GB/T 14285-2006 继电保护和安全自动装置技术规程[S]. |