Current Robust Control for Ironless Linear Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor |
Sun Yibiao, Liu Ling |
1. Tianjin Lightning Protection Center , Tianjin 300074; 2. Shenzhen DOWIN Lightning Technologies Co., Ltd, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518067 |
Abstract For the characteristics of ironless linear permanent magnet synchronous motor (ILPMSM) system being influenced by disturbance due to d-q axis coupling effect and parameters varieties, the investigated robust controller with system delay compensation is desired to achieve high performance. The proposed controller consists of an inverse of the first-order reference model and integral term. The proposed algorithm does not need to be combined with other control algorithms and the system parameters are not required to be known precisely. The system delay compensation adopts an inverse system delay model to compensate the system transport delay effect. Compared with PI controller, robust controller can restrain the effects of uncertainty disturbances and compensate for system transport delay in the ILPMSM system. Simulation result confirms the control scheme can reduce the overstrike of system with good dynamic response and dynamic characteristics.
Published: 24 June 2014
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