The Research on the Model and Simulation to the Transient Signal in the Trans-Mission Line |
Yang Chaobing, Fu Xuewen, Wei Zhijuan |
Zhoushan Electric Power Company, Zhoushan, Zhejiang 316000 |
Abstract The paper analyzed the characteristics of the Ultra-high voltage transmission line fault on the waveform characteristics of transmission line fault, influence factors and so on. The paper carried on the theoretical analysis and simulation study. From the perspective of wavelet packet energy and the information entropy, this paper proposes a based on wavelet packet energy entropy to identify new ways of the Ultra-high voltage transmission line fault phase. The power system model is established in the Matlab environment. The paper used the simulation system to simulate transmission line under different conditions of fault voltage, and selected db3 wavelet as the wavelet base, and used wavelet packet analysis for power system simulation to get a lot of experimental data processing of fre-quency band energy entropy, and carried on the processing. Because of transmission line fault occurs, the mechanism of the breakdown voltage of the after wavelet packet transform the energy entropy is different.
Published: 24 June 2014
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Yang Chaobing,Fu Xuewen,Wei Zhijuan. The Research on the Model and Simulation to the Transient Signal in the Trans-Mission Line[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(05): 39-43.
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