Analysis on Reliability and Sensitivity of Main Electrical Connection for New Generation Smart Substation with Disconnecting Circuit Breaker |
Huang Yangqi, Lu Xinyi, Liu Nian, Zhang Jianhua |
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206 |
Abstract With the continuous deepening of smart substation construction in State Grid Corporation, the overall integration design concept of the new generation smart substation based on research and development of new equipment is put forward, realizing the main electrical connection optimization and improvement of reliability. Concerning the characteristic and application of disconnecting circuit breaker in smart substation, reliability of double bus connection with conventional circuit breaker, single bus with two sections and double bus connection with disconnecting circuit breaker is evaluated by the minimal cut-set method based on adjacency matrix of end in this paper. Moreover, the sensitivity analysis on the reliability parameters of disconnecting circuit breaker is emphatically contrasted. Comparison results show that reliability of the main electrical connection can be greatly improved with disconnecting circuit breaker and the impact of forced failure rate and scheduled maintenance outage time of that equipment on system reliability is greater.
Published: 11 June 2014
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Huang Yangqi,Lu Xinyi,Liu Nian等. Analysis on Reliability and Sensitivity of Main Electrical Connection for New Generation Smart Substation with Disconnecting Circuit Breaker[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(06): 10-14.
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