Research on Typical Power Supply Modes of Microgrids in Rural Power Systems |
Gao Zhiqiang1, Zhao Jingtao2, Sun Zhongji1, Fan Hui1, Li Xuanyi1 |
1. Hebei Electric Power Company Electric Power Research Institute, Shijiazhuang 050021; 2. NARI Technology Development Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210061 |
Abstract In this study, the new power supply modes of rural microgrids are investigated in view of the different types of rural customers, and taking into consideration the rural load density, power supply radius, load characteristics, distributed energy distribution and various factors such as the highest permeability, and combining with the principles of different development around the countryside, generate and supply locally and practical networking. The configuration of power supply modes of rural microgrids are setting to make sure the distributed energy is generated and supplied locally, and enhance the reliability and power quality power supply for rural areas in China. Based on the energy utilization analysis of two typical rural customers, including the distributed farming customers and crowded farming customers, different power supply modes of rural microgrids are designed. The selected power supply modes are simulated based on PSCAD/EMTDC electromagnetic transient simulation platform, simulation results show that the power supply modes are stable, and they can widely adopt the distributed energy, solve the rural power supply problem, and provided safe, reliable, high quality power supply in rural areas.
Published: 11 June 2014
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Gao Zhiqiang,Zhao Jingtao,Sun Zhongji等. Research on Typical Power Supply Modes of Microgrids in Rural Power Systems[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(06): 56-62.
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