Analysis of Neural Network Technology in the Tranmission Line Corridors Lightning Activity Parameters Prediction |
Shen Haishi, Xiao Chang |
Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation Zhanjiang, Zhanjiang,Guangdong 514000 |
Abstract Transmission lines are power system grid, and its safety and reliability is essential. Mine accident victims in a larger proportion of transmission lines, lightning activity forecast accuracy parameters has an important impact directly on the transmission line lightning calculation and setting. The paper is based on neural network technology, the transmission line corridors lightning activity parameters were predictive analyzed the learning process of neural networks, and the establishment of transmission line corridors to flash distribution prediction model for the province 500kV lines were flashing distributed adaptive neural network-based prediction. The results show that this method can reflect the overall predicted Year of CG distribution.
Published: 24 June 2014
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Shen Haishi,Xiao Chang. Analysis of Neural Network Technology in the Tranmission Line Corridors Lightning Activity Parameters Prediction[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(05): 92-93.
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