Study on the Impact of the Impulse Current Front Time on Tower Impulse Characteristics Model Experiments |
Ruan Haohao, Chen Jian, Fu Zhengcai, Jiang Anfeng |
Key Laboratory of Control of Power Transmission and Conversion, Ministry of Education, Department of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240 |
Abstract Electro-magnetic transient program (EMTP) was used to simulate and analyze the back flashover process when the top of a 500kV double circuits tower was stricken by lightning, and the top voltage, cross arm voltage and current shunting coefficient were then acquired under the circumstances of adopting lumped inductance, single wave impedance and multi wave impedance respectively. Comparing the small model test results of 1/40 tower model impulse response, multi wave impedance model was selected to calculate the impulse characteristics of small model under impulse current of various front time. The result indicated that, the front time of the impulse current would exert dramatic influence upon the top and cross arm voltage of the tower, and it was appropriate to conduct research on small model impulse characteristics test when the front time of the impulse current was strictly determined according to the model scale.
Published: 25 March 2014
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Ruan Haohao,Chen Jian,Fu Zhengcai等. Study on the Impact of the Impulse Current Front Time on Tower Impulse Characteristics Model Experiments[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(03): 1-5.
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