Self-shunt Excitation Transformer Overvoltage Analysis and Simulation |
Qiu Tiantian, Teng Huan, Xiao Baolei, Li Shun |
School of Electrical Engineering and Information, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065 |
Abstract On account of the commutation operating conditions of self-shunt excitation transformer, this paper analysed commutation over-voltage that self-shunt excitation transformer took and it's generating mechanism. Meanwhile, this paper studied the ability to withstand over-voltage of self-shunt excitation transformer. Through electric field finite element method to compute electric field that under over-voltage of self-shunt excitation transformer. Finally, this paper provided electric field distribution of self-shunt excitation transformer when controlled rectifier bridge in a deep state, which provided a theoretical basis for insulation design and choice of capacity of self-shunt excitation transformer.
Published: 25 March 2014
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Qiu Tiantian,Teng Huan,Xiao Baolei等. Self-shunt Excitation Transformer Overvoltage Analysis and Simulation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(03): 36-40.
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