Research on Available Transfer Capability for Power System Including Large-scale Wind Farms |
Wei Zengzhen1, Guo Tao1, Li, Wen2 |
1.Shiyan Electric Power Supply Company, Shiyan, Hubei 442011; 2.Ningxia Electric Power Maintenance Company, Yinchuan 750011 |
Abstract This paper is to study the change of Available Transfer Capability for Power System including large-scale wind farms.At present,the induction wind turbines have become the dominating type.This paper first described working principle of induction wind turbine,and used PQ model to analyze wind power.Then analyzed and studied the relation between Available Transfer Capability of the system and the wind power into the system. According to the relation between load distribution and power flow feasible boundary,a optimization model of power system based on Interior-Point Method is established to calculate Available Transfer Capability of the system.Comparing the trends of ATC and the wind power into the system, we draw conclusions at the end of this paper.
Published: 25 March 2014
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