Electrical Distribution Transmission Network HVDC Flexible Demonstration Project at Guizhou Province |
Peng Xiaojun1, Hao Baoquan2, Zhang Haitao2, Liu Baocheng2 |
Wuzhou Bureau,CSG EHV Power Transimission Company,Wuzhou, Guangxi 543002 |
Abstract The 500kV breaker body non-phase protection is an important grarantee for safe and stable operation of breaker. Combined with a 500kV breaker body non-phase defect founded in 500kV Wuzhou substation,This paper have a discussion with the non-phase protection secondary circuits of the FXT17 500kV breaker;And make a depth analysis on secondary circuits of breaker; Reform schemes are brought out according to the hidden danger caused by the intermediate relay damaged,solve the hidden danger of breaker action incorrectly caused by non-phase protection secondary circuits design of breaker body.
Published: 04 November 2014
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Peng Xiaojun,Hao Baoquan,Zhang Haitao等. Electrical Distribution Transmission Network HVDC Flexible Demonstration Project at Guizhou Province[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(10): 36-41.
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