Calculation of Wind Turbine Lightning Strike Probability Based on the Striking Distance Model |
Luo Jiajun1, Yuan Na2 |
1. Shenzhen DOWIN Lightning Technologies Co., Ltd, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518132; 2. Hangjinqi Weather Bureau, Erdas, Inner Mongolia 017000 |
Abstract According to analyze the average direct lightning frequency calculation formula of wind turbine, point out the deficiencies of formula, and provide a electro-geometric model through contrasting two types lighting mode, which used to calculate the risk of suffering the directly lighting. taking a typical wind turbine as a example, calculate the frequency of suffering by a Negative lightning, be better to evaluate the lightning risk assessment of wind turbines, also provide a scientific data for the wind farm's location selection.
Published: 22 December 2014
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Luo Jiajun,Yuan Na. Calculation of Wind Turbine Lightning Strike Probability Based on the Striking Distance Model[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(12): 13-16.
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