The Non Intrusive Fault Localization and Identification Method for Low Voltage Distribution Network |
Fan Hua1, Ren Jun1, Cao Weiguo2 |
1. Zhangjiakou Power Supply Company,Zhangjiakou, Hebei 075000; 2. Five-c Smart Power Grid Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211106 |
Abstract Non intrusive load monitor due to low installation cost, little influence on users, has become an important development direction of low-voltage power load monitoring in the future. Based on the principle of non intrusive load decomposition, presents a method of low-voltage distribution network fault location based on non intrusive, constructs non intrusive fault identification system of the low voltage distribution network, and gives the detailed steps of fault recognition, to achieve the initial location of low-voltage distribution network fault types and fault zone, if can combined with the low voltage feeder circuit intelligent electric energy meter, will be able to achieve precise positioning of the fault type and region, this method can be used for rapid diagnosis and investigation of internal fault of power user.
Published: 22 December 2014
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Fan Hua,Ren Jun,Cao Weiguo. The Non Intrusive Fault Localization and Identification Method for Low Voltage Distribution Network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(11): 66-69.
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